"Mobile Suit Gundam GQuuuuuuX," a brand-new "Gundam" movie and TV series, will make its debut shortly -- and now you can add the GQuuuuuuX itself to your collection! Bandai's newest "High Grade (HG)" model kit faithfully reproduces the new Gundam's distinctive form; it's loaded with articulation in the torso, hips, and elsewhere for dynamic posability after assembly! The backpack is flexible and can be displayed at various angles, and a wide variety of weapons are included too. Order yours today!
HG 1/144 gMS-Ω GQuuuuuuX
SKU: 4573102683175
C$33.99 Regular Price
C$30.99Sale Price
ETA Q2 2025
- Weapons (x1 set)
- Backpack (x1 set)
- Interchangeable head part
- Interchangeable hands (x1 set)
- Stickers
- Marking stickers